Practice News

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Google and Social Media Reviews

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | March 2nd, 2021

Talk to us about your feedback

We are happy to discuss and address any issues or concerns that you may have regarding your care whilst attending our practice.  This can be done in the clinic, over the phone or in writing if preferred.  Your feedback is appreciated and enables us to improve our practice and services.

However, we are unable to respond to negative or defamatory reviews on social media platforms due to confidentiality restrictions, regulations and ethical codes.

Our Policy

Therefore, it is Practice Policy that we will not continue to provide services to individuals that leave such reviews as these acts undermine the ideal Doctor-Patient relationship and quality of care.  Posting of such reviews will act as a termination of care (life threatening emergencies excluded).

Defamatory comments

Defamatory comments which may impact on the reputation of Goodwin Drive Family Medical Centre, its Doctors or Staff, may result in legal action.

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